Thursday, February 26, 2009

LCL Updates

LCL T-shirt Order!!!

UPDATED !!! (as of 10th March 2009)
Order deadline now pushed to 13th March due to good demand!
As of 10th March: 11 orders for the black shirt and 9 orders for white.

"I Love To Lock"
Colour: Black
Price: $30*
*price may vary according to number of orders

P.S. The colour for this shirt was changed to black as the other design would be in white too.

"Lion City Lockers Singapore"
Colour: White
Price: $35*
*price may vary according to number of orders

Order details:

I will be printing the shirts based on the number of orders I get. Hence, if you are interested in ordering the shirt, please make your order by 13th March 2009! If you miss the order deadline, then you would have to wait till the next time the shirts are available for order... Most likely I will take orders once a month. =)

The prices may vary, depending on the number of orders I get. Simply put, the more orders I get, the cheaper the production cost will be as it's ordered in bulk. If there are not so many orders then it will cost more to print the shirts.

With regards to the quality of the shirt prints, if you guys have seen the T-shirts of Natasha Studio Crew or the official Fuyo Inter-school T-shirt, that's how good the shirt quality is. I'm printing our shirts from the same manufacturer.

To order the shirt, kindly send an e-mail to and include the following details:

Your full name, contact number, e-mail, the shirt choice, as well as the size and quantity of the shirts you want.

Once the order deadline of 13th March has passed, I will consolidate all the orders and calculate the shirts' production costs. Then a confirmation e-mail will be sent to inform you of the shirt price and you would be required to confirm your order. Payment details will be posted on this blog when all orders are confirmed. To be fair to everyone who would be waiting for their shirts, a deadline for payment will be imposed.

Hopefully one day we will see plenty of lockers in Singapore wearing the LCL shirts... It will be so funky to see everyone showing their love for locking and funk!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hi Lockers!
Lets Support Funk Channel as they will be taking part in the MDIS openhouse street dance competition!!
Event:MDIS unicampus, nearest MRT is Queenstown station.
Date:21st Feb 09
Shuttle Bus is available at Queenstown Station from 10am-5.30pm,15mins interval

*Funk Channel consists of Colin, Jervenne, JunHao & Forest.

Hope to cya guys there~
Continue locking...till i see you all again

Monday, February 9, 2009

LCL Session!

Session Cancelled,
please inform your friends and all about this!

Most likely the session will be postponed till the week after next.
Keep yourself updated during then!


Next upcoming LCL Session is here!

Venue: Republic Polytechnic
Date: 13th February, Friday (BLACK FRIDAY!)
Time: 8pm to 10pm
Meeting time and venue: 730pm, Woodlands MRT
Costs: FREE
Contact Person: Ceekay (82287254)

Hopefully most of you guys can make it for the session, as there are going to be important announcements with regards to LCL's 1ST YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS! =)

See you guys at RP on Friday! =)